Ice Age: The Hidden Treasure is a comic book set after the events of Ice Age: Continental Drift. The story was written by Caleb Monroe, the art was by Andy Hirsch, the colors by Mirka Andolfo and the letters by Steve Wands.
The story shows an adventure taken by Crash and Eddie, who are given a map to a hidden, cursed treasure and seek it, aided by Diego.
Publisher's description[]
Crash and Eddie find themselves with a treasure map! The only catch? THE TREASURE IS HAUNTED! After teaming up with Diego, these two possums let curiosity and adventure lead the way to what will surely be the treasure of a lifetime. Don't miss this brand-new story featuring the COOLEST characters of all time!
Plot summary[]
- opossum
- diatryma
- saber-tooth tiger
- saber-tooth squirrel
- mammoth
- ground sloth
- bear (Mentioned only)
- molehog
- tick